Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day number 3 and 4


The Shea Family said...

Can you believe a few weeks ago, you were following my journey? Now, you are there on your own journey! Thanks for letting me follow along. As I write this I am sure you are asleep, dreaming of your morning meeting your son! I am so excited for you. He is so adorable. Best of luck! I can't wait to see the first pictures of him. I pray for all of you to have an easy transition and a wonderful life together. Sheila

The Shea Family said...

Oh, I did not see your son when I was there. I wish I did. All the kids were either out at school or napping. Tell the orphange staff that Tao Tao says hi. We just adopted him on 11/10. I think they would remember him. He has adjusted well. A few more hours for you!! Sheila

Vive...rie...ama said...

I can't wait to hear how your first day with Ben goes!:) Your pictures are beautiful!!!