Monday, August 4, 2008

Shower #2 at Lisle Bible Church

Our friend Rachel threw a fantastic shower for us...Chinese decorations...yummy homemade food...she put so much work into throwing us a cute was so much fun and we are so grateful!

Ben's Auntie Rachel stands by her homemade salads and baked veggie dish. Others brought veggies and fruit, as well. The Sutanto family, not pictured because they left a little early, also brought great homemade chicken skewers and basmati rice.

Me, Rachel, and Megan. Megan kindly took many of these pictures.

Table settings:

Mommy showed off Ben with the picture Bob's parents put together and another picture. The nice and generous gifts people gave us:

We have been going to Lisle Bible Church for 9 years now and love our Lisle Bible family.

Rachel, Galina, and Margie:

Shirley, Merna, Joan, and Nola:

Joyce and Sue:

Not everyone's gift is pictured, but we love and appreciate all of the nice gifts. Many people came up with wonderful creative surprises that we hadn't even considered when we registered.
Fitted sheet from Joan:
Go Diego Go has the coolest stuff. This is a floor puzzle from Megan and Matt:
Animal floor puzzle to be exact. Ben supposedly loves animals so this is great:
We received photo frames from a couple different people...This is a good gift for us since I'm picture happy:
Good old Memory game from Matt and Megan!
Beginners' computer keyboard from Galina and Ivan. Very neat:
This is a certificate for a year's membership to the DuPage Children's Museum, which also includes admission to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier. Very neat gift idea from the Kulevich family, the Howells, and Gene V. We will enjoy this!
Beginners Bible from Merna and Rich Witzke. This is a very popular children's Bible, written for very young children:
Sue Shepherd was very creative...Her gifts were water-themed...She wrapped a Little People boat and a rubber ducky in a beach towel. Now Ben has his own beach towel for Michigan!
Bob checks out the boat that Ben (and maybe Bob) will def. enjoy. The rubber ducky is in cop clothes and tells if the water is too hot: Cute clothes from Nola and Jim Chapman.

Cute PJs from Margie:

Party favors...treats in mini take-out boxes:


Sue said...

How wonderful that you were given the shower from your church!!! And lots more cool toys/ clothes as well. Love the beach themed gift set!

Elizabeth Isaak said...

My son, Cole (almost 4) has that Diego floor puzzle and LOVES it. He does it so much he now tells me the names of all the animals, some of which are pretty obscure for a preschooler. I mean, Coati? Chinchilla? It's pretty awesome when your child can tell amaze you with the facts he retains. All the other gifts are great, too. Perfect for Ben's age. He's going to love it all!