Thursday, January 10, 2008

Insomnia problem # 5,839 latest insomnia problem, since having our addition completed over a year ago, is a noisy, whistling nose. It's driving me crazy. My Internet research this morning (it's usually more helpful than seeing a doctor, unfortunately) yielded the suggestions of somehow sticking Borofax ointment up my nose, adding Karo corn syrup to my neti pot of salt water solution, a nasal saline irrigator, a humidifier in the room, and possibly antiseptic for bacteria (1 teasp. vinegar or 1-3 tabsps. boric acid powder). Whatz with boric acid being advised for everything from killing ants to sticking it in a womanly area to get rid of yeast infections?! Do I want to use something that blows up ants? Here's an outstanding picture of some half-naked hippie guy washing out his nose from
Get more exciting tips about washing out your body on!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with noses, but Sally's dissertation about footbal reminded me of a visit to the U.S. by Russian premier Nikita Kruschev (you young 'uns may not remember him). Our president invited him to a football game and after the game he was asked what he thought. He laughed and said "All fall down, all get up".
Nice short summary of football.

Chuck S.