Friday, February 27, 2009


Ben now knows so much English that I couldn't even sum up what he can say...He probably knows more vocabulary than communicative English, but he has learned a lot in the way of communicative English as well. He's not what I would call fluent and is not nearly where his native peers are, but he's come a long way for being home only 9-10 weeks.

The second month Ben was home, he became much more toddler-like and was pretty difficult on and off for a few weeks. He's a sweetie, but like typical 3 and 1/2 year olds, stubbornly wants his way sometimes. He is very well behaved most of the time in public, knock on wood, and that because of that, everyone thinks he's an angel. On most days during the past couple of weeks, he's been pretty good all day until dinnertime and after, what my neighbor friend, mother of a 2-year-old, likes to call, "the bewitching hours." So he pretty much returned to being a good boy overall. Occasionally, he has a bad day.

Ben is about 3 and a half. I am reading a book on 3-year-olds right now and I guess it's typical for 2.5 year olds to be difficult, 3-year-olds to be surprisingly obliging and then for those 3-year-olds to go back to being difficult around age 3 and a half. I talked to two moms who saw this in their own never knew there was a back and forth progression and regression...interesting! Of course, there's many more life factors involved in Ben's behavior. He has the clinginess of a one-year-old due to separation anxiety.

He is still demanding when it comes to being the focus of my attention 24-7 and gets pretty difficult when I'm doing things like typing this entry...sometimes engaging things like making a mess cutting paper will keep him occupied (like now), but most times, he's on my lap whining, tugging, and can't wait until my morning e-mail and facebook check is over with. He's not satisfied with playing with any toys unless I'm engaged in it. I let him watch TV while I do my devotions. He gets a lot of mommy's attention with lap time, learning, playing, shopping, going on playdates, etc., but I think he'd only be 100% happy if I just stopped with this nonsense of cleaning house, taking care of responsibilities and problems, making phone calls, and talking with other adults. It can be pretty difficult to get anything done, especially because I try to engage Ben in most things because he is right there getting his hands into everything, and because everytime I go upstairs or downstairs in my 3-level house, which is often, I walk slowly, holding Ben's hand. I am not complaining...I love my little companion and I realize that he will have both baby and toddler needs, as we play catch up, due to his past.

He's starting to like seeing certain friends, but I have yet to see him interact with them too much...He's mostly still doing parallel play, entertaining himself by looking at all the toys other kids have at their homes, and trying to engage me more than his playmate. I was wowed to see him and a couple of kids all playing with his kitchen last weekend; he actually handed them a couple of things.

Ben endearingly tells us he loves us a million times a day, giving us kissies, asking for huggies and lap time. We are so blessed to have such a sweet son! The most important issue is whether or not I'm a good mommy. At times, I'm not as patient as I should be, but God is working on me!


Anonymous said...

I just love to hear how Ben is doing. He is in great hands. He is blessed to have a mommy and daddy who pray. I am so eager to see how Ben and Andrew respond to each other when they meet this summer.

Sue said...

Sounds like you are doing just fine with being a mommy! It is hard to try to get things done when he wants your attention. I am sure that a few more months home will help him feel secure and safe, so knowing that you are laying the foundation for that may help. As far as going back and forth, he is still feeling his way with you as parents and in getting settled in his new life. Add to that the normal development stuff, and that is a lot to deal with.
BTW, my 4 year old still does a lot of parallel play. It takes her a long time to warm up to other kids!
PS- we will have to set up a playdate. Maybe at a park when the weather warms up?!