Thursday, January 3, 2008

Whoowee...Stupidbowl is coming up....


Recognize this guy? It's Elaine's facepainting boyfriend David Puddy on Seinfeld.

Yeah, so I guess I'm a real American fuddy duddy, unlike Puddy--don't care for sports, fast food, burgers and hot dogs, minivans & SUVs (no offense), TVs in every room, sloppy men wearing their caps backwards in the nice restaurants their wives drug them to as they wait for football season to start, shopping, soda pop, beer...AND HELP!!!....STUPIDBOWL IS COMING UP!!!....Yes, most people I know, including friends and relatives, will be watching...But I will be eating at Benihana's with fellow football avoiders Brad and Susan, thank you very much. A few years ago, we started including these friends in our tradition of enjoying a restaurant that's crowded all year except for Stupidbowl Sunday. Last year, we were going to have fondue at our house, but decided to up that one for New Year's and instead ate at the Mongolian Grill, which turned out to be a little annoying, despite the yummy food. There were a couple Puddy types running the grill, with their faces glued to the TV sets over the bar area. The TVs were so loud that even in the back of the restaurant, it was hard to talk. Our male server and the grillers were visibly annoyed that they had to work and that we were there, wanting food grilled. We were treated like unpatriotic offenders. So much for getting away from Stupidbowl. And Brad, who doesn't drink much but didn't want his manhood questioned by our annoyed server, ordered a beer.
I think I will resurrect a A description of football from last year's blog. I found this gem on the web. It's by some guy named John Brizzolara:
"Football is two lines of identically clad automatons facing each other with a little ball. They bash into each other, advancing or retreating a few yards. Someone gets hauled off the field on a stretcher, and the little ball resumes moving back and forth a little bit. The men resume bashing. Someone throws the ball; it is either caught or it isn't. Running, then more bashing and jumping on a pile of men, anonymous except for the numbers on their uniforms." Yeah, so that just about sums up all I know, and ever want to know, about this game.

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